When will your system be enough?

If equipment continues to improve and costs begin to diminish with greater production, will you ever stop upgrading, or it there a point at which you'll be satisfied?
i went from midfy to nice about 6 yrs ago and immediatly quit changing things. My system, to my ears already bests a lot of rigs costing a bunch more and based on things i heard in various systems during the upgrade audition process i'm convinced my system is room limited so there is no use to swap gear. Living room tweaking within WAF parameters is more rewarding anyway.
I will never stop upgrading my system thank you sir I take another stack of vinyl! Cheers!
I act like it's enough when I'm out of money. I really just waiting until cash is free and I'm free to act out my lust for audio power and nirvana.

It's enough when it reminds me of the people who recorded the media and it's not enough when it doesn't.
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