Novice needs Mac Mini and DAC advice

Stereo Boys, I really really need some advice. In the past 18 months, I've loaded all in on this hobby and in that short time span have gone from birth to a full blown, fairly high end system and now I'm integrating a Mac Mini server into the mix. My mind is blown with too much information and I'm losing it over which DAC will give me the best bang with a budget anywhere from $800 to $4000. I'm told that the Ayre and Wavelength don't really outperform the lower cost DACs by a huge margin. I need a shot of the truth. And I'm looking for plug and play. I'm not that conversant with all the technical science involved in all of this. I just want a clean, high res sound. Please help!!
I stream lossless FLAC files from my iMac through a Scott Nixon TD2.2 tube DAC with the 4Xac power supply upgrade and it sounds amazing. For a quality DAC well under $1000, I haven't found a better sounding one than Scott's. I like the fact that each one is hand built by him, the designer.
Lewinskih01: So sorry. I haven't read this post in a while. I'm running Pure Music. A friend just told me he likes Audirvana over PM hands down. I went to Audirvana's website and they list Mac 10.6 or later. I have a 10.5. I don't think I will be able to get Audirvana to work on my computer. I'm not knowledgeable in computers at all so I guessing no???
Devilboy, I have been listening to the Octave for several weeks now and I am really impressed! Two weeks ago I bought the clock for my Evo and all I can say is WOW! I did not think it would make much difference, but man was I wrong. My system has never sounded better and I'm really glad I have forums like this to get info. from my fellow fanatics.

Bob, if your out there, what did you end up getting?
Gregfisk: I'm glad the you're finding the Metrum Octave so enjoyable. I think you will see the Octave gets even better over time. I had a very good friend over today who has much better ear than I and we took the Metrum Octave amp-direct straight to his amplifier he brought over. I controlled volume via the volume bar in PureMusic. HOLY FRIGGIN CRAP. Transparency, transparency, transparency. Holographic, deep soundstaging. We heard the Octave and his amp. That's it. I love this dac. Have fun! Big thanks to Bhobba who gave me the idea.
I can't recommend Ben at Mojo Audio enough. He has spent so much
time helping me with my system that it's embarrassing. I have a new mac mini
that he upgraded and his power supply.

Customer service cannot be bettered.