Help Me Tweak System...

Greetings folks,
I have a working PC based system. I am wondering what I can do to improve/tweak my sound?

PC: custom built PC running Windows XP. Operating system on it's own HD. Data (including iTunes files) on a separate internal 500GB HD

DAC: Cambridge Audio DacMagic, connected to PC via generic USB cable

Software: Apple Lossless files in iTunes

Thanks in advance.
Ag insider logo xs@2xheadshrinker2
Also to help -

My system may be geared more to the music I listen to - classic rock, Pearl Jam, Radiohead, Tool, Tori Amos, some butt rock, etc. I listen to some instrumental(Ottmar Liebert), some country and other odds and ends stuff. Drums sound like drums, there's dimension to the music, good imaging, etc. The biggest fight all along - Trying to keep cymbals (i.e. upper frequencies) and related sibilance in check with digital music.
True, everything makes a difference. The part most posts leave out is how little of a difference all that stuff you mentioned actually makes. :-) Don't get me wrong, I'm in it down to the cables, power filters, speaker RFI/EMI tweaks, etc...but, honestly, most of the sound is coming from the speakers, amp, and DAC. Yes, we can argue from now until the end of time how much better brand X or tube or interconnect is vs. brand Y...but, for someone getting started in this hobby, you're really just wasting their time until they have the rest of their system set up.
Scrith - before you start pontificating, do you read?

"I have a working PC based system. I am wondering what I can do to improve/tweak my sound?"

Do you really think that its just about K-mixer?

Do you wonder why nobody else tried to help this person understand that a DAC needs to be treated like any other source?