The idea I propose is simple and I'm sure some of you already know where I'm going with this, so here goes. Take a simple piece of pipe the same diameter used on police door rams, add a series of coils along it's axis, and a solid steel slug free floating inside the pipe. Add current and bang! The slug should be propelled from one end to the other. This combined with a well timed swing of the ram should increase the amount of force applied, bringing down any door. The main idea here is to reduce the weight of the ram while simultaneously increasing the amount of force applied. Also, the coils could be powered by a capacitor bank on the ram and charged before using it.

I haven't built a prototype yet or even looked to see if someone else has done this. So any information or ideas about this project is greatly appreciated. I do not have a background in electrical engineering or any thing like that, just an over active imagination. And I never want to carry a ram up 10 flights of stairs ever again. It may sound simple but every ounce counts, especially when you're in body armor and wearing who knows what else you might need. I will give credit to anyone that can contribute idea's or thoughts, that could solve this problem, if someone else hasn't already, that is.........
this sort of thing already labs.
Timing is everything in releasing the capacitor charge.

Look up 'Rail Gun'.....

It is not 'recoiless' so if you have a couple guys holding the 'ram' when it fires the slug, the ram tube will recoil backwards..........and not deliver full power to the slug intented to breach the door or whatever.

I Floated a proposal to make an electromatnetic railgun Punkin Chucker, but couldn't get my engineering buddies to want to help! Imagine being the first person to put a pumkpin in ORBIT via railgun.
Thank you all for your comments, I honestly expected them to be much worse than they are.......

I have to say that the rail gun is part inspiration for this idea. Just cap off the ends. I also like the idea of using a pressure switch to eliminate timing issues. The other part of inspiration came from that flashlight you shake back and forth to charge it, perhaps it could be utilized to help charge the system. And as stated above (by Tsugury)I have never had an issue with the way current equipment works, however when in country where you have to carry everything you need, the weight becomes a serious issue. And as for the Punkin Chucker I have to say that I found that the pumpkin would (unfortunately) shred far before achieving orbit like velocities. Perhaps I should try a sabot system next time.....

Please keep the ideas coming,
+1 with Picfink. Equal and opposite forces and all that. Cant beat Newtonian Physics. Yet.
I think the idea here is that the equal and opposite force is the door giving way. I can certainly imagine using such a device on a solid concrete wall would give a similar effect as not holding onto a baseball bat hard enough. Boing! Try to think of a jack hammer, it's rebound is tremendous. But the asphalt does not give way like a door. So if I'm wrong (or is used on a bunker wall) I guess it could come back to bite you. Proper training should solve this.

Besides it is intended as a light weight force multiplier not a bulldozer. And in following the K.I.S.S. approach to design (Keep It Simple, Stupid) I can see Gas assisted Rams needing fittings, high pressure tanks, filling stations and that only increases weight and complexity. I'm talking about a self contained maintenance free, lightweight Ram. One that could be charged by a variety of sources from 12 volt car outlets to standard house hold wall plugs. And being that it would use a modified capacitor bank, it really doesn't care how or what kind of current it receives (AC, DC, 12 volt, 110, 220) it should all go through a resistor or solid state circuit of some sort anyway, and it gets charged, from a plethora of viable sources.

Perhaps speaker technology could be used to flush toilets as well. The driver in the seat lid could blast the shit down the hole. The real challenge would be to select the proper music for the occasion.

Suggestions? ;)