Quadratic Diffusser Plans??

Can someone give me the details for a quadratic diffusser. I would like the well depths and the well width. The width stays the same but the depth varies from well to well. I have googled this topic and can't find any specific measurements.

I am talking about the slatted diffuser, not the one made out of peices of 2x2 wood.

I would like to build some for my room.Thanks for the help.
Here is a link to a very nicely done site with both theory and practical information and pictures useful for construction.

QRD Diffusors

It also includes a calculator you can download (near the bottom).

having just read the report/info via the posted link here, all I can say, is 'Holy jumpin' jellyfish!'

I need or would like, a more simplistic approach, apart from Headphones. Sheeeshhh. Maybe coat hangers and stockings.
I need or would like, a more simplistic approach,

Jim, nice thought, but when you are dealing with an EXTREMELY complex topic like room treatments a simplistic approach does not exist.

Zargon, thanks for the link. I've built some of these and they do have a definite impact on the sound, sometime good and sometimes bad. Your link is definitely a great asset.
