Quadratic Diffusser Plans??

Can someone give me the details for a quadratic diffusser. I would like the well depths and the well width. The width stays the same but the depth varies from well to well. I have googled this topic and can't find any specific measurements.

I am talking about the slatted diffuser, not the one made out of peices of 2x2 wood.

I would like to build some for my room.Thanks for the help.

Showing 3 responses by zargon

Blindjim, not a problem. I just wanted to be sure no one got too discouraged. Lets hope Moonguy gives them a try and reports back on the results.
Here is a link to a very nicely done site with both theory and practical information and pictures useful for construction.

QRD Diffusors

It also includes a calculator you can download (near the bottom).
Blindjim, the most common 2D diffusor is the ORD 734 or those made by Core Audio Designs. If you download the QRDude Calculator (very bottom of the link), I believe it comes up on this very design. All you have to do is duplicate the well widths and depths. I've seen them built out of maple or walnut, plywood or styrofoam. The materials are not critical as long as they reflect, not absorb sound. It is quite simple if you are not interested in understanding the theory or attempting to construct complex broader bandwidth shapes.