Benefit of Tube Dampers/Coolers on 6H30?

A quick search of the forums led me to the belief that the effectiveness of tube dampers and coolers is dependent on the tubes used.

I'm auditiioning an Ayon CD-2, and want to really hear what it's capable of before deciding to keep it (which I'm leaning toward anyway).

I'm curious about how beneficial dampers and coolers are on 6H30 tubes. And if they are helpful, which to use? I saw Mrtennis recommended the EAT coolers/dampers ( another thread, and he stated they tamed some of the mid/treble glare in his unit, which is exactly the issue I have with the performance of the CD-2 right now. OTOH, it seems Herbie's halos ( the most popular choice, although I sense the EATs are fairly new.

Then there are these, with a choice of brass or copper:

These, which look very much like the EATs, but cheaper:

These for the *really* brave:

And I recently saw some coolers/dampers somewhere that looked like the EAT and pcX, but longer, covering almost the entire tube, although I can't find them now.

I'm a bit lost. Are any of these products superior to the others? Do any of them change the sound in different ways than the others? Would it be beneficial to combine products, such as Herbie's and the EAT on the tubes?

Are the 6H30 tubes so good they don't suffer from microphonics and other common tube characteristics such that the use of any of these devices would render little if any beneift?

Thanks to all for your thoughts.


I am running a BAT VK 31SE with NOS 6H30 tubes. Presently, I am using Herbie's Tube Dampers with success. It sounds a bit better than the naked tube. I have also tried brass dampers but did not like the sound, a bit dark and lifeless in my system. FWIW.

Best of luck!
I 2nd the Herbie's ultrasonic damping instruments ( these are the newer ones from herbie's) I use them on my ARC LS-25mkII. The difference is not huge but if you can hear, they do sound better than the naked tube.
The 6H30 based designs that I've heard had the "glare" you mentioned. The soundstage is bigger, images have greater separation and dynamics are increased, impressive at first listen, correct? I also found the decay to be very rapid and harmonics thin and short. Not SS but not tube.

I have a ARC CD3 MKll (SS) and wondered if the ARC CD7 (6H30 based) would provide some tube fullness to the mids and highs, specifically for female vocals. A friend brought his over and within minutes I wanted to pull it for the CD3 MKll .

I also owned a new amp with a 6H30 based impute section, it had the same traits, it's been sold after 550 hrs break-in. I wanted it to work but...

I checked out Stealth Cloud "9" P/C's they appear similar to V/D three wire design which I have owned. I found the V/D PC's were an aggressive cord and produced a similar sonic presentation to the 6H30 gear I mentioned. I pulled the V/D for a "stock" cord , better( in my system w/ my CDP). I bought a Purist Musaeus lower end of the line P/C trying to find a warmer less in your face cable. It worked great for my digital, did it create an $8500 CDP? No, but it did help with fuller highs, mids and bass.

I think the 6H30 has a hi-fi not a hi-end sound. I haven't heard any BAT gear
so I have no experience with VK's 6H30 designs.