Definition of "redbook" and "Prat" ?

Nubee looking for definitions. Thanks Dave
SONY literaly had (has) a book that was red in color with specs for CD at the start of the CD era.
You know that your system has PRAT, if your foot keeps tapping, and you can keep listening for hours on end!
PRAT - I know the acronym and the foot tapping reference. I certainly know about how some systems set your foot tapping and some leave you cold. But Pacing, Rhythm, and Timing? I don't understand how this is affected by the reproduction equipment. These are all time based terms and no system is so bad that it would affect them.
Prat is a misnomer, IMHO. It describes the feeling you get from a highly dynamic system with excellent frequency response. The electronics don't significantly change actual ryhthm or timing. However, you get a perception of better rhythm and timing when no frequencies are compressed and the system easily produces dynamic range at all frequencies, at least IMHO.

So, if I go to a concert, and they play something I don't like (19th Russian, for example), and I don't tap my feet, does that mean it doesn't have PRAT?

My Naim buddies hate it when I ask them that question.