Does ceiling height make much difference?

What are the differences between an 8ft ceiling compared to a 9 ft ceiling. And would a 7ft ceiling be any good at all? I have a chance to build a soundroom in a 7ft x 14 x23
basement. Anyone ever have experience in such a room?
Aside from the subjective feelings I have about spending time in a room with a lower than normal ceiling height, the biggest issue is that it is one of the three dimensions and contributes to all the dimension-related acoustical issues. In specific, you will have a room with two related dimensions as the width is exactly twice the height/

The difference between an 8 and 9 foot ceilings is 12 inches. All joking aside, you are better off with a taller ceiling within reason.
Thanks guys..
I'll have to try and go with what i have for now:( 7' x 14'x 23. And hope i can do something with the low ceiling. I do have a number of bass traps, foam, and Room Lenses, maybe i can make it work pretty good. Once I get it up and running, i'll let you know how it goes.
My listening room in the basement is 7H x 13.5w x 22L.
You can compensate for the low ceiling by using diffusor panels mounted on your ceiling. Auralex makes several models and there are others as well. It sure made a difference in my listening room.