How Long Ago Since You Cried Listening To Music?

For me is was last weekend, The group "Sugarland" singing "Stay".
Every time I hear Mary Chapin Carpenter sing "John Doe no. 24 (as I just did on Pandora radio), I tear up. Then I read some of the other responses and I began to laugh out loud. It's all so crazy.
I cried listening to music this evening.

There was Kenny G playing on radio and my ears started bleeding !
Great thread that had lots of potential for people to comment on equipement or music that brought out strong emotions within them! Unfortunately it didn't go that way, although some commical responses are here!

For me, last week in Vegas at a Celine Dion concert! Balled like a baby! Other than that it has been rare since selling my Joule Electra LA300ME. I steamed up regularly while listening to music through this preamp!
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