Best rock song of all times

Only one answer please.
Not the best written or the best musical complexity but the one that represents the rock.

My choice: Satisfaction - Rolling Stones

- first notes are like the 5th of Beethoven (when you hear those notes, everybody pumps up the volume)
- still very up to date
- a mix of rock and blues rock and Motown sound
- lyrics talks about disatisfaction of young people vs life, politics, money and women (even B Dylan like that song)
- music is very basic as a good rock song should be
Another vote for "Sweet Child of Mine" ~ GnR

2nd runner up: "Welcome to the Jungle" ~ GnR
3rd runner up: "Jet City Woman" ~ Queensryche
I don't know if this qualifies as Rock,exactly;but I would vote for Sugar Sugar by the Archies
2nd--Rockin' Love,by Josie Cotton
Another Good one:I Get Around by a band called the Beach Boys.They were pretty good.
You people picked some good ones. I don't own any Stones cds, but I like Heart Breaker.
Spirit of Radio from Rush is great too, but I'll throw a curve and say Squonk from Genesis. Hell the whole cd (Trick of the Tail) is great!
Back in Black cd is pretty rock'n.
Queen never did it for me.
Missippi Queen.......Mountain, saw them twice with Felix Papalardi, great band in concert.