Diana Krall Survey

A friend of mine is working the new Diana Krall release (first download track and cover art available tomorrow) for Verve Records. I mentioned that Audiogon has some devoted DK fans and he said he'd love to get any feedback that anyone might provide. So any comments (music, artwork, etc.) are appreciated.


I think she is popular because her recordings seem to sound pleasing on 'high end' stereo systems. Sort of like the 'jazz at the pawn shop' thingy. Good sound, unexceptional music.
Her vocal range seems extremely limited. Also, her music rarely demonstrates much emotion. That being said, she has accomplished a lot.
As long as we're trashing Diana Krall, can we throw a few bricks at Norah Jones? I'll start. She's way overrated and not as good looking as Diana Krall.
Dump Elvis, not 1 song I can listen to in it's entirety...I'll get on the constructive feedback for Norah also....yawn