How many albums do you need ?

I have a large collection of CDs but still find myself staring at the shelf sometimes deciding what to play next and thinking i need to buy more discs. I suspect that no matter how many you have, you always need more. Your thoughts ... ?
I rip all my CDs to music server up front now. I only listen to them off teh music server. I often set the playlist to random song, album or artist. This helps assure me that everything I acquire will at least eventually get listened to, but exactly when is determined randomly.

A different way to tackle the problem with some unique benefits.

Records are tougher. Until I get those recorded to digital on the server ( a time consuming and very slow and gradual process for me), they may sit for quite a while unless I finally get around to it.
My father listens from left to right in perfect order and it took him over a decade to listen to around 12,000 or so albums. Is it really worth it?
Its great to have lots of music but he listens to on average 3 albums a day and wont see a title again for over 10yrs? I dont need that many lol.
The answer to the question of how many albums do you need is oddly the same as how many guitars do I need. Answer? Just one more!
I have easily over 1,000 CDs. Around the time I hit 1,000 there were times when I thought of a song I wished to hear from my collection but could not recall the performer. It was then that I thought, "maybe I have too many CDs now?" But that moment passed: (1) I am too curious/interested in GOOD new music; (2) I will focus on one performer whom I really enjoy, then pursue more past releases from that performer; (3) I have only just barely begun to scratch the surface of classical music, which is becoming more intriguing for me as of late; and (4) remasters of some of my collection are "necessary". I have slowed down my purchases because I have SO much fantastic music already, but I doubt it will ever completely cease.