Amy Winehouse.RIP

Passed away today in London.
Such a talent with sadly many demons.
"The best way to stop the massive tragedy of drug addiction would be to secure our border with Mexico and start eradicating poppies in Afghanistan."

Wrong, wrong, wrong. The ONLY way to stop the tragedy of drug addiction is to STOP DEMAND, EDUCATION, EDUCATION EDUCATION is where the resources need to be emphasised and spent! Supply is always driven by demand other than introduction of a new product. Why is this so difficult for some to understand? Sorry for going off topic and the deep end but this particular topic is a pet peeve of mine when I hear this argument.

Roundhouse, I wouldn't get close enough to touch you or your empty pocket.

Other dude,

Social Security didn't create the deficit, but America's seniors are being presented with a fake Social Security crisis to try to trick them into accepting reduced benefits. Social Security will be able to pay 100% of its benefits through 2037 without any changes whatsoever.

So, why the panic today? If seniors accept cuts to Social Security benefits today, a surplus cash flow will build in the Social Security trust fund. According to the Congressional Research Service, "Social Security's cash surpluses are borrowed by the U.S. Treasury and can be used for tax cuts, spending or repaying debt."

Social Security benefit cuts are increasing taxes paid to Social Security or extending retirement age will give more money for tax cuts spending or repaying the debt. Except for one thing: Social Security money belongs to those who have paid into the fund, it's not the government's money to use it; it shouldn't be the government's money to play with.

Senior citizens should not have to accept a reduced standard of living to finance tax cuts for the rich. We must take a stand for senior citizens and protect Social Security and protect future generations from this raid on Social Security's funds.

Thanks for the political talking points.

And this involves Amy Winehouse how?
Tubegroover, I fully agree on education .. if it is allowed to be taught. I feel education begins in the home. Qualification testing for those to have/adopt children.

Danlib1, this trolly jumped the tracks way back somewhere and I'm still on it.