Amy Winehouse.RIP

Passed away today in London.
Such a talent with sadly many demons.

Showing 5 responses by orpheus10

Tasteless, thoughtless and cruel is a sign of the times in which we live. It is even reflected in our political discourse, "Throw grandma off the train, because we need her SS money, and taxes mean we can't buy a new yacht"

Roundhouse, I wouldn't get close enough to touch you or your empty pocket.

Other dude,

Social Security didn't create the deficit, but America's seniors are being presented with a fake Social Security crisis to try to trick them into accepting reduced benefits. Social Security will be able to pay 100% of its benefits through 2037 without any changes whatsoever.

So, why the panic today? If seniors accept cuts to Social Security benefits today, a surplus cash flow will build in the Social Security trust fund. According to the Congressional Research Service, "Social Security's cash surpluses are borrowed by the U.S. Treasury and can be used for tax cuts, spending or repaying debt."

Social Security benefit cuts are increasing taxes paid to Social Security or extending retirement age will give more money for tax cuts spending or repaying the debt. Except for one thing: Social Security money belongs to those who have paid into the fund, it's not the government's money to use it; it shouldn't be the government's money to play with.

Senior citizens should not have to accept a reduced standard of living to finance tax cuts for the rich. We must take a stand for senior citizens and protect Social Security and protect future generations from this raid on Social Security's funds.

Danlib1, this trolly jumped the tracks way back somewhere and I'm still on it.

According to police officials in London, the autopsy performed on late singer Amy Winehouse (who passed away Saturday at the age of 27) returned inconclusive results, and no cause of death has yet been established.

They are now awaiting the results of toxicology tests, the results of which should be back in two to four weeks. Since police have determined there was no foul play involved in Winehouse’s death, her body was released to her family shortly after the conclusion of the autopsy. Her parents are reportedly planning on a private family memorial for her as soon as possible, perhaps as early as tomorrow.

Fans continue to gather at the makeshift memorial set up for Winehouse across the street from the home where the Grammy-winning singer lived. Her father, Mitch Winehouse, addressed the crowd and thanked them for their outpouring of support. “Amy was about one thing and that was love,” he told the group. “Her whole life was devoted to her family and her friends and to you guys as well. I can’t tell you what this means to us. It really is making this a lot easier for us.”
Amy Winehouse had more fun, and achieved more in her 27 years than the assholes on this forum will achieve in 20 lifetimes, and I'm gone; 10 four, over and out forever. Did you hear me "Shit house and Gutterphile".