interested in exploring classical

Can anyone direct me in the right direction? I want to start exploring classical music and not sure where to start. My playback is CD. Is there a high quality company that is better? New to Audiogon and any help I would be grateful for
Beethoven Symphony 3, 5 6, 7 and/or 9 are beautiful. Mozart "Jupiter" Symphony is wonderful.
Check out the Norton Recordings in 2 volumes.

Pretty much a self directed Music Appreciation course.

The scores and text books are also available.

Your library is sure to have them.

I got mine on vinyl for next to nothing.
Mozart is the most easily appreciated. Beethoven is more of an acquired taste.
I have found this book to be very helpful as I have explored classical music over the last seven years: "The Essential Cannon of Classical Music" by David Dubal.