Any suggestions for middle eastern music

Just watched gladiator again a d would like to find some music like that. Thanks for any suggestions
Listen, the UNdisputed master of Persian classical singing is Mohammad Reza Shajarian. There is an album called "Without you" that has gems of Sufi poetry and exquisite instrumental improvisation. Don't buy no stinking sountrack. Get this!!!!!
Try Charles Lloyd's Sangem. It's heavily infused with middle eastern flavor and an fantastic recording to boot.
While not Middle Eastern per se, "Su" by Turkish artist Mercan Dede might be to your liking.

Lisa Gerrard of Dead Can Dance also had a lot of involvement in the film "Baraka" There is some very haunting "Gladiator" like music there too.
You looking for that Liz Frazer sound ? Dead Can Dance.

Check out stuff on Bar De Lune records; some of the Buddah Bar stuff might be worth a listen.

Saoud Massi is good, too, imho.
Provided you like modern style (and only then: music released on ECM, that should tell it all) with traditional instruments - the oud in particular - Anouar Brahem may appeal to you. Typical ECM-style thoughtful but dense music for those who care to listen. Quite different recordings, so it's difficult to name one in particular, try "Vague", "Astrakan Cafe", "Le Pas du Chat Noir" but also "Thimar" with Dave Holland and John Surman.
