Tom Waits, Rain Dogs...

I'm embarrassed to say I just heard Tom Waits's Rain Dogs for the first time and I am blown away. It's an album Bruce Springsteen wishes he could make. The sound is just incredible and the arrangements are prefect. Tom makes it all sound so easy where Bruce makes it sound so hard.Bruce has yet to make an album with such an inspired performance and overall great sound quality as this one.
The similarities between the two artist mentioned is quite obvious, too me anyway. Haven't you guys heard Springsteen's rendition of Tom Wait's "Jersey Girl"? Beside the strong vocal comparison theres alot to be said for a shared mutual respect they seem to share. Listen to Rain Dogs and if you don't hear the Springsteen influences in the some of the electric guitar songs then your not really listening. A few of the arrangements on Rain Dogs have the "Wild Billy's Circus" vibe going on.Both men are great story tellers. I love Springsteen and that is why I bring this topic up, if you haven't yet heard Rain Dogs you should, it put a smile on my face.
Jaybo, is there no end to your ignorance? Once again I know I hit the nail on the head when I find your disagreeing response to my many posts.
there is no end to my just keeps getting better with age. pick up elliott murphy's 'aquashow' and 'lost generation' for more springsteen comparisons....biff rose for tom waits.
i think tom waits is a great, great songwriter.
one of my all time faves. nuff said
Jaybo, thanks for the recommendations.
Orlando, once again, I am at least two steps behind you.
Happy to have just found a vinyl copy of Rain Dogs.

For me, the differences and points of comparison between Waits & Springsteen both make sense.

You're both right.

Want something good to argue about, check out Rolling Stone's new "top 100 singers" list! Cheers,