'they blew'em off the stage'

what concerts have you attended, where the warm up act blew the headliners away.....my examples...brownville station upstaging zz top to the point where people where chanting 'brownsville station!' during the littl ol' band from texas' set.....another..t.rex upstaging lynyrd skynyrd(yes there really was such a show), and the grass roots upstaging cream.
Mitzi Gaynor performing "Too Darn Hot" plain and simply blew the Beatles out of the water on their headline premier performnace on Ed Sullivan.
Ike & Tina Turner with the Ikettes at Madison Square Gardens were the "warm up" group for the Stones MANY years ago !
I have two.The first one I saw. August 16 1977 Montreal Forum.
J Geils Band opening for Peter Frampton
The second was one I didn't see but read about,
Miles Davis opening for Steve Millar Band, around 1970. As I recall,Miles was to open for Miller on a few consecutive nights. By the second night he showed up"late"he wasn't going to open for that mother%@#% he was quoted saying!
Montejay -- I also witnesses Geils open for Frampton in '77 (in Miami), and yes, they blew Frampton away.