No wonder SACD hasn't caught on

I was looking on Circuit City's website and they have over 2000 SACDs for sale. So I took some notes and then went to a local store to check things out. I wandered around in the music section and couldn't find any SACDs or DVD-As either. I thought they might have just mixed them in with the CDs but didn't have any luck locating any. So I went up to a sales person and told him that although I had seen a lot of SACDs on the website, I couldn't seem to locate any.

His response....."What's an SACD?" He looked baffled even after I explained what they were and, of course, he hadn't heard of DVD-A either. Must be the best kept secret in the music industry.

No I'm not saying that BB is stocking vinyl now but I can drive to 6 or so stores, 2 of which have good selections of brand new vinyl, and find really great, high quality music at reasonable prices. I found 4 LPs just last night on my way home from dinner. This weekend I got a very nice LP that sounds better than any recording I have ever heard. That's why, to me at least, vinyl is a better option.
But wait, it gets even worse. The reason I'm looking to purchase music at Circuit City in the first place is so that I can use up the $50 gift card I got for participating in a work related study. I got to choose from a list of stores and chose Circuit City specifically because I knew they carried music.

So, since I couldn't find what I wanted at the store, I went back to the website. By this time I had spent quite a bit of time on this little project. When I finished making my music selections on the website, I had a total of just over $100 in merchandise to which I was planning to apply my gift card.

I started wading through the checkout procedure and came to a page whereon I am asked. Do you wish to apply a coupon or gift card to this purchase? When I selected "Yes" I was informed that I would not be allowed to use a gift card for music or video purchases.

Thinking I must have misunderstood something, I called the 800 number and was informed that, in fact, this was true.
Unfortunately for me, the very reason I had chosen Circuit City as opposed to some other store was to apply my money toward music. At the time of choosing a store I was not informed of any such restrictions. All I can say is that Circuit City just lost a potentially good customer for no good reason.

Let me put it this way. If I went to Circuit City and said that I wanted to buy a gift card but that I was placing specific restrictions on how Circuit City could spend the money I gave them for the purchase of the gift card, how many gift cards do you think they would be willing to sell me?

Why should I feel any different? I won't be giving them any of my business in the future.