Anyone catch Robin Trower on tour?

Seeing him Sat night can't wait!
I saw him last year at a small not for profit concert hall near me (IMAC Theater in Huntington LI). He WAS loud. most of the souond came from the stage and not from the PA system, I think :-)

He was also awesome. Stood in the middle of the stage away from his Marshalls and away from his effects pedals/switches and still got whatever sound he wanted out of that guitar.

Tha show was short though, but something not to miss.


Roy Buchanan's suicide has always bothered me in a way. reportedly his suicide note was about how unknown he was and how he never got the fame he deserved (OK, he was tanked when he wrote it and killed himself but...) and that has always brought a dark cloud over one of my favorite albums and songs of his "That's Not What I'm Here For" which is all about how he doesn't care for fame or fortune, he just wanted to play great music, and hge WAS highly regarded as a guitar player, teaching many of the current masters.
No, couldn't have been, I was driving my Dad's 1976 Cadillac Coupe De Vile (older by then) and I was a senior in HS, so it was late 1984 or early 1985, so no more than 24 years ago..... God I am getting old!
My buddy caught the show in Nashville. Jack Bruce was the bass player (no kidding). Unfortunately, my friend said there were only about 100 people in attendance and the band was clearly disappointed by the turnout. I guess they only played for about 70 minutes. I saw him years ago and I sure wish I could catch this tour, but he's not stopping anywhere near me.