Music that has good cymbals

Hi everyone,

I'm in the process of evaluating my system's high end frequencies. Particularly, I'd like to analyse how it resolves cymbals. Can anyone recommend any CD's to do this? I like listen to all styles (i.e. jazz, classical, classic rock, 80-90's alternative, even some good pop)
Try Thelonius Monk's Monk's Music. It's not the most exiting cymbal sound, but Art Blakey uses the high-hat to keep an amazingly rock steady 4/4 time while playing a completely a-rythmic solo around it. Great drumming.
Try Patricia Barber's Nardis. I think it's on the Cafe Blue CD. There are 3 cymbals on this cut from what I can tell at varying volumes.

The Bill Evans Trio recommendation is a very good one.
Ramsey Lewis & Nancy Wilson on "Meant To Be" will fit the bill in every way...I use it for the same purpose as I evaluate various tubes. Sonics & music are VERY good. The cymbals 'sparkle'. or will have used copies cheap.
So I picked up Monk's Monk (remastered), JVC's XRCD of Bill Evan's Trio was hard to track down but was able to order a used copy, the Patricia Barber red book Cafe Blue disk, and the Manu Katche red book Neighborhood CD...

Some of your recommendations I already have... I'll be looking into the others later this week... If you have any others, by all means...

Thanks big time!