New Patricia Barber cd "Mythology"

Brand new. It came out today.
Anyone check it out yet? Any opinions?
That should read "Mythologies"...

Got a good review (4.5 stars) and an AMG Album Pick. AMG Review

Should be an interesting listen.
1markr, you're right...."Mythologies" are you buying it?

There are tracks that were previously heard - "The Moon" from Verse and "Whiteworld" from "A Fortnight in France".

I bought the disc yesterday. Have to listen to it few more times but so far it's a little below my expectations.
I don't think this is as good as she can be. But that's just an initial impression.
Few more listens and this recording may start growing on me...
A1, I'll see what the feedback on the album comes out to be. I currently have a "wanted" for it on, or I might pick it up cheaply on when it shows there. I'm in no hurry to get it...yet.