New Patricia Barber cd "Mythology"

Brand new. It came out today.
Anyone check it out yet? Any opinions?

Showing 5 responses by audphile1

1markr, you're right...."Mythologies" are you buying it?

There are tracks that were previously heard - "The Moon" from Verse and "Whiteworld" from "A Fortnight in France".

I bought the disc yesterday. Have to listen to it few more times but so far it's a little below my expectations.
I don't think this is as good as she can be. But that's just an initial impression.
Few more listens and this recording may start growing on me...
08-16-06: Jadem6
This disk a a true celebration of the depth of Patricia's talent.
J.D. this statement above that you're making based on your listening impressions or is it a quote from a review?

I'm no music critic by any means, and this is just my opinion, but when I was listening to this disc last night I thought that some of the songs are a bit more commercial than one would typically expect from PB...or may be I just got used to her style and now it seems that way....don't know. Or she was trying to appeal to everyone with this recording and not just her fans?

Musical arrangements on this disc just don't seem to be as innovative, rich and complex as some on her other albums.

In any case, I do like "The Moon" and "Whiteworld".

Just interesting to see what people think about this album.
Jade, thanks. Right on!!!! Completely agree with you about "Verse". From a poetry stand point, it is really good. But musically it suffers a bit.

BTW, I'm going to see PB live at Jazz Standards in New York. I just hope that she will not do a complete performance of "Mythologies". I'm hoping she'll throw something else in the mix. I went to see her at Carnegie Hall last March and the performance was awesome. Beyond my expectations. What a band!!!

That is why I am completely surprised by the latest offering. I was listening to the "Mythologies" again, for the second time, and the effect is the same as the first time I heard it. Big surprise on track 10(I think) where the 2 kids rap the list of American endangered species.
And the band just sounds pretty ordinary to me on the entire CD.

I hope she gets back on track in the future and surprises us again with something on a level of "Moder Cool" or "Cafe Blue".

But again, you're correct when you say she's not the only artist this happened to. Another example I can think of is Sting.
I saw her Saturday at Jazz Standard!
Was good. She only did one song from her newest cd. They played a total of 7 songs, 4 of which were instrumental.

I wouldn't call her newest record "venturing into new territories". Unless you are talking about the hip-hop on track 10.
2 years later, the new CD. "The Cole Porter Mix", is out.

Any opinions? I just heard it for the first time today. I'll hold my comments for now. but do want to hear what others think.