Japanese Music

Howdy! I was wondering if I could get about 10 or so recommendations on Japanese music... Taiko, Koto, Shakuhachi, etc. I'm really looking for "traditional" style music, nothing "new age"-ish, if you know what I mean.

At the risk of telling you something you may already know, the most internationally recognized modern taiko group has got to be Kodo from Sado Island. If you like drums and lots of them you might want to check them out. Another interesting option is Shoukichi Kina, an Okinawan artist from the 70s/80s who mixes traditional Okinawan music (and instruments like the Jamisen) with a bit of rock. Beware the Enka and J-Pop...
Try looking for Nonesuch Explorer albums or Smithsonian Folkways etc. These are devoted to traditional foreign/ethnic music. Other labels cover the same material. Your local library may have a whole section of their CD collection devoted to this material. They may be filed under international music, or under folk music. Most of the Nonesuch Explorer LPs received 5 stars from the Rolling Stone guide back in the 80s. They have several Japanese releases, including orchestral Gakaku music, solo flute (shakuhachi)and koto.
Hi, check out your library if you have not already done so..I know ours has many discs from around the world.
although somewhat in danger of your "new ageish" criteria, check out the Yoshida Brothers - they are some of the top Shamisen players in Japan, but weave a lot of other influences into thier music as well

seriously think you would enjoy listening to them
