Taylor Hicks from Idol

Is this guy great or what? I have not yet heard him sing without getting chills up my spine. I can't wait till he puts out his own CD or better yet DVD Audio, it's quite entertaining watching him as well.
The guy definitely has good pipes, but after a few weeks you get tired of the whole thing...trying to be bubbly to entertain Simon and Paula is just not for the faint of heart to watch more than one week in a row.

The guy has a good vibe for his one style, and he should stick to it.
After last night with Chris being sent home, I will be surprised, if he doesn't win.

I love the music Taylor loves. I just ordered "Otis Redding Live In Europe" which I wore out when I was 15. That and every James Brown, Wilson Pickett, Johnnie Taylor, Joe Tex, etc. album available.