Blues recommendations anyone?

Hi everybody. I'm looking to expand my music library a little bit, and one genre that I don't have is Blues. I have a buddy at work that plays Blues on his boombox regularly and I've gotten a few names from him, but I was wondering if any of you have a favorite Blues artist or cd that you could highly recommend.
Thanks a bunch.
Let me know how you like "His Best" (Chess) by Sonny Boy. It is one of my all-time favorite records, and I would recommend it as essential for anyone discovering the blues.
Take Ngjockeys advise and first select a style. I find that many styles suit my tastes. Some of my favorites in Chicago Blues are, Luther Allison, Tinsley Ellis, Smokin Joe Kubreck, Bryan Lee, old Fleetwood Mac (with Peter Green) Roy Gaines, and don't forget the classics Muddy Waters & Howlin' Wolf. Go to and listen online.
BB's Live at the Regal is bar none my fav blues disc.
Lighting Hopkins/sonny terry Last Night's blues = close 2nd
Muddy waters live on chess is a good one too

I also second teh recommendations for Lighting Hopkins - Goin Away and the Albert King/SRV album.
Albert Collins- Was a great showman and has lot of great tunes.

Freddie King- Great vocals and welded a mean axe.

Albert King- Yo can hear where SRV got his sound

Johnny Winter/ Muddy Waters- Match made in heaven. Johnny work on Alligator records is great.

Robert Cray- very smooth

I would recommend you go to Alligator records site. Many great cds.

Last fun recommendation- Paint it Blues and Whole lot of Blues- one is a blues cover of the stone and the other zepplin. Very good stuff.