idler rumble, heat, and record wear--a connection?

Even though the rumble is filtered out before the amplifier, does it caues excess wear to my vinyl? The heavy platter on my rek o kut also gets warm to the touch, and in turn heats up my records. I've never compared wear to a smoother and cooler running table (such as a Thorens).
Replace your idler wheel. I wouldn't say the warmth will cause any problems. Is the ROK in a massive plinth or a box?
Massive ply 30 lb plinth. It has the General industries motor. I havent measured the temp, but I'd guess about 100 degrees F.
Is it an L34?

You might try a heavier oil and new rubber on the wheel because it is possible to get rid of the rumble. Check the idler wheel shaft, too.

I wouldn't worry so much about the heat, although there should be a way to devise a deflector, if it really bothers you.