Budget 2-ch vinyl playback system?

I want to put a simple, inexpensive (but nice) 2-ch system for vinyl in my office but have no starting point as my main gear is all digital and I have never owned a turntable.

Don't worry about the speakers, I will build something under the guidance of Selah Audio, tailored to the rest of this system as I have done for my main system.

There is already a good thread on budget turntables so I will refer to that but I think that leaves the need for a preamp and amp as open questions.

Please let me know your thoughts regarding this topic.

Wow interesting moniker. Do you like Koosh? I like Diesel better, but sometimes I miss Koosh.
Project Debut if you try hard you can get at discounted price that includes Ortofon 2M red cartridge.
PS-Audio phonostage with volume control hooked up to active speakers of studio grade such as Mackie or M-Audio or even Samson.
get a nice, used 70s japanese Direct Drive table for less than $300, even with cartridge. Plug it into a 70s integrated amp with phono for less than $150, hook up speakers, and away you go.
It's hard to beat the sound of what Marakanetz proposed for the money. Audioengine or Emotive acrive speakers would sound good also and sound more refined than you will find wit 70's gear.