Separates w/internal phono vs Integrated + phono

Given the same amount of money say $8-10k what is the better way to go? Separates with an internal phono or an integrated with a stand alone phono? Anyone done reasonable comparisons, is it just trade offs or is there a clear winner? A really good phono can make a huge difference but can it fully shine through an integrated?
Been doing some reading on the net and the VAC Avatar Super and Rega Osiris sound like outstanding integrated amps and trounced many high end separates. Anyone heard the Acoustic Arts Power I? Any other contenders?
I owned the VAC Avatar Super as well, it is indeed excellent. The new VAC integrated which I auditioned is very nice as well but more expensive at around $10K. I now have shindo separates which outperform the VAC (in many but not all ways) but I think that it's more likely related to system matching and synergy rather than separate vs. integrated.
American way: The best of the best is overkill over over the overoverkill over the other overkill will most certainly work the best. Also try to shop for the units that have power supply in the separate box each including amp. Also use separate power conditioning for EACH unit that will give you a benefit of eveneven larger isoisoisolation. More boxes will bring more music!