Allnic Puritas vs. Koetsu Stone Body

Last time I had an opportunity to compare side by side Koetsu Jade and Koetsu Jade with diamond cantilever.
I must admit that DC Koetsu was simply amazing. Compared with stock Jade it was like completly different cartridge. Much better on frequency extremes, more airy, more precise, better articulation.
After auditioning Jade DC stock Jade sounded not very interesting.

I am considering Koetsu stone body with DC to my system, but think rather about Coralstone DC.
Unfortunately Koetsu cartridges have some flaws.
They do not give the best sound money can buy,
Are overpriced,
Hard to find good match with heavy mass tonearm.

For the Coralstone I was thinking about Origin Live 12" Enterprise C tonearm 22g effective mass.

As an alternative I was thinking about Allnic Puritas cartridge paired with new 12" Reed 3P tonearm.
I know that this is different price poin compared to top of the line Koetsu, but Allnic have some unique features and seems to have some sonic advantages of Koetsu sound.

Table is TW Acustic Raven AC.

Could you kindly share your impresions about above mentioned sets and let me know some advices?
Lyra Atlas works beautifully with my Reed 3Q and TW. For me, it has enough bass and slam to satisfy my occasional pop/rock listening but I tend to listen to mostly classical, opera, vocal music, piano and the like. I know some of my friends prefer Graham over Reed. You definitely will get more bass and slam for rock with Graham but I just could not get the same magic in the mid range with Graham as I could with Reed. After playing around with the new Graham 12 inch arm for almost a year, I gave up and sold it to a friend of mine. One arm that perhaps could rival Graham for bass and have mid range that would be closer to Reed that I heard recently is Thales Simplicity. It was quite impressive on TW Raven One with Miyajima Kansui. However, I only heard it briefly at my local dealer. I plan to listen to it more carefully in my system may be in the next 3-4 months but I am a bit too busy right now doing other things with my system so I will wait awhile until my system is a bit more settled before trying auditioning Thales.
Lotus, I heard Koetsu Onyx with TW Raven 10.5 arm/Raven One and it was just ok . I also tried Coralstone with Reed 3Q and Raven AC-1 and I was not impressed. Coralstone really is working much much better on my FR64s with Micro Seiki table. However, I don't have an arm board for FR 64s for TW so I don't know how Koetsu/FR combination would be with TW.
Thank you very much for the input.
I know Graham tonearm and do not like them much.

Do you have any comparison between Reed 3Q vs. Reed 3P.

I heard that 3P is more airy and extended on top but I am curious if 3P unipivot design will be stable enough and prone against wobbling in complex orchestral music compared to gimbal 3Q design.
Dear Milimetr: I forgot about Transfiguration cartridge option, look for the Phoenix model. IMHO this cartridge has real rythmum.

As you can see there are several cartridge alternatives .

Regards and enjoy the music,
Hi Suteetat, thanks for sharing. That's a shame that you haven't been able to try Koetsu/FR on the TW. I have not heard of many owners using Koetsu with TW. let me know if you ever manage to make or source an armboard and give it a go. BTW: a friend here in the UK uses the Simplicity on an AC and loves it. He changed to it from the Phantom. He runs an A90 predominantly.

FWIW: I am mainly using an Orpheus in my Reed at the moment(for personal listening). It works very well especially since I upgraded the TT to AC3 from AC1 which has improved dynamics a lot. Beforehand it was perhaps just a touch too polite with just one motor.

@Lewm, no problems Lew, as I mentioned, i agree with what you said.