Integrated amp for Joseph Audio Pulsars

I'd be grateful for recommendations on a suitable integrated amp to match Joseph Audio's Pulsar speakers. They are currently being driven by a Musical Fidelity M6i integrated but am looking for more punch and finesse.

Would MBL's Corona C51 integrated represent a big step forward? Or perhaps the new Krell? Budget is US$6,000. Thanks in advance.

PS space constraints dictate that it has to be an integrated
I've heard the Pulsars - very nice monitors.

Have to say I honestly haven't been impressed by any Musicial Fidelity electronics. Just not my sound.

An amp I've heard many times (and bought the power amp version of) is the ATC SIA2-150.

Up the solid state chain, I'd look at Ayre, Gamut, Plinius.
In addition to those you mention, the Hegel H300 may be another good candidate. The Absolute Sound has a glowing review:
Heard the Pulsars with Hegel H20 amp. Sounded very nice. How about the Hegel H300 integrated? Great reviews- solid state, but musical. Fits into your budget-powerful enough and has a Dac, I believe.