Speakers with fullness and weight?

I've always made a concerted effort to hear as many speakers as I can, but I've only found a few lines that have some of the qualities I particularly value. Quite a bit of my music collection includes modern alternative rock/electronic that is a lot less enjoyable when played back on speakers that are too honest (read: thin sounding). My current speakers (Vienna Acoustics Mozart SEs) really give the music a weight and solidity that is often hard for me to find in hifi. I love how the drums give a really hefty thunk, and guitars seem full and rich rather than nasally. This probably just correlates to an increased midbass and relaxed treble, but all the same, any suggestions of other brands would be appreciated. Older Monitor Audio speakers also seem to have this characteristic.
Speakers play the biggest role in what you are looking for. Not the only role, but the biggest. I also own your current speaker in a second system and love VA speakers. Easy to listen to and full bodied.

Here are some other good speakers in terms of what you want..

Go up the line in VA!

Silverline Bolero, Sonata II and III
Soundlab M1 - be warned you need big power to drive these
Vandersteen line

I like my current Coincident Total Victory III speaker and this whole line of speakers are not thin and bright, but deliver nice body and tone.

Changing electronics can indeed change the character of a speaker somewhat, but the speaker still is what it is in the end. Ya, a tube amp can fill out the bass in a thinner sounding speaker etc..., but in the end you really need to start with the speaker and the overall sound personality you want. This is the best way to get at your goal. Then be sure you have an amp that matches the needs of your speaker.....
I listen to lots of indie and electronica and am very happy with my ATCs. Have also heard the massive active SCM50ASLs and they do dynamics in a breathtaking way.
Chario, Sonus Faber, or even stacked modded Original Large Advents
use Cardas Golden Cross cables
A lot of loudspeakers, like most components, of today do sound excessively thin, lean, forward, etc.

Three (Fried A/6, Fried Studio V, and Quad ESL57) of my loudspeakers get this right, and have the fullness and weight you mention. I find these speakers quite musically satisfying.