Can a single terminal speaker be bi-amped?

Just acquired a second Hitachi HMA 7500, legendary amp from 70s, revamped by Approved Audio, and want to use both amps with my Kef LS50s. I would double up the speaker cables. What damage could I cause?
The real reason this is not practical is that amps have a low output impedance and each will, effectively, short-circuit the other when connected.
Thanks very much for very detailed answers, even comprehensible to a non-physicist like me. Guess I wont be bi-amping speakers that are not bi-wirable!
Dividing a passive cross-over is not a difficult procedure for an appropriate technician and well worth the low-cost investment. Especially if you are capable with the mechanics of installing the required additional binding posts.
Csontos has it right. If the cross over is built on a circuit board, you would need some real experience to bi amp, but if not or you can easily distinguish, before the crossover, the input from the tweeter vs the input of the woofer, you could very easily bi amp these. Of course, you will void your warranty.