D-Sonic, Wyred4Sound or NewClear Monoblocks?

Greetings everybody,

I am upgrading my system to a better two channel set up, i am going to add the Wyred4Sound STP-SE preamp...but i am not sure which of these mono blocks could do the best job for it:

D-SONIC M2 600M x 2 $1,950
W4S SX-1000 x 2 $2,400
NewClear CL1000L x 1 (2 monoblocks in one chassis) $ 2,600

Very good reviews on the W4S monos, "Blue Moon award" for the D-Sonic Monos and Best of products from "Tone Audio" for the NewClear...??

Some says that the NewClear is beyond both D-Sonic and Odyssey Kismets, also a possible choice but $4,000

Has anyone tried these choices or compared them, any suggestions?


I'd look at the W4S mAmp. It's based off the third gen ICE modules (the SX uses second gen)
I have only heard (and own) the Wyred 4 Sound monos. I have both the SX-1000s and the new mAMPS. Unless you really need the extra power, I would recommend the mAMPS over the SX-1000s. The mAMPS have a better top end (more detail and air, yet not harsh at all), slightly warmer mids and bass that equals its larger sibling. There is definitely a synergy with the STP/SE and Wyred amps that is difficult to beat. I have a friend that has the D-Sonics and he really likes them as well. Not familiar with the NewClear.
Thanks everyone for your kind suggestions i would be searching more but for sure your words make heavy step in my choices.

Thanks a lot!
I got the same advice from the folks at W4S. Unless you need the power of the SX-1000's the mAMPs are a better choice due to overall refinements in sound quality. The mAMPs are based on a newer ICE module.

On a slight tangential note: If you have an all digital system, you could eliminate the analog preamp. I am running a W4S DAC-2 direct to a pair of mAMPs, using the DAC's digital volume control. To my ears this sounds more direct and superior to using an excellent analog preamp like the W4S STP-SE.
I know not on list but the Channel Islands class D amps are great, almost a tube like amp sound.