Non-feedback amplification topology and frequency

Is it true that non-feedback topology amplification is prone to frequency limitations if not matched with the absolute perfect speaker system?
I'm trying grasp how to get a flat sound from my very much loved new PL5. I have resorted to EQ, that never mentioned term on these forum, to bring back the ultra-highs of cymbals and bells etc. I've also rolled the pre-tubes and switched out my ICs. Still very much a frown freq graph.
I'm willing to get new speakers to help this amp deliver on its promises. Focal seem nicely high in sensitivity.
Mapman, I'm pretty sure that part of the reason this is so has to do with that article I link all the time:

If you happen to compare the two amps on a speaker that is in one camp, you are going to come away with a mistaken impression unless you are aware of the different design paradigms.

This is something the industry won't talk about. Its too inconvenient! And its why we have that darn objectivist/subjective debate. I am of the opinion that if the industry was transparent about this stuff it would be a hell of a lot easier to set up a system and a lot less money would go down the loo. But, OTOH the industry thrives on that, so maybe I'm trying to kill the goose that lays the golden egg huh :)
I won't disagree that there may be incentive in the high end "industry" to not make things easy for buyers.

There are still multiple recipes towards good soup that an informed buyer who cares enough can follow to acieve their goals. No one recipe has all the advantage!

Luckily, most of the rest of the world gets by fine with mass produced stuff that works well enough to satisfy the average listener.

Really good things never come easy.....
Hi Jmacinnis, I'm glad you are happy with your system. My thread that you pointed out really has nothing to do with what makes us happy about our system or about our sound preference. The crux of my post is about whether a the output from a NFB amp is more faithful to the original signal than that of a ZNFB amp. My post has hit a lot of nerves because it seems that some took my post as an attack on their taste in music and equipment, which it wasn't at all. I was initially perplexed by some of the responses, which had nothing to do with my question. Some didn't even bother to read the important article I linked.