Capacitor question

I have BAT VK-150se amps powering SF Amati Homage speakers. I replaced the stock BAT/Jensen POI caps with CuTF V-Caps. There is a lot more detail now, however, the sound is thinner, brighter and fatig
You may want to parallel the vcap with POI to get the mixture of sound. Play with the values.
Its not a good idea to parallel coupling caps. Different caps have different 'speeds' on account of their dielectric constants. The result smears the sound- that seems the best way to describe it.

You are always better off just giving it your best shot with the best cap you can afford. V-Caps are some of the best out there. Do give them some time to settle down.
I have a pair of VK-120s which I have modified extensively, including VCaps. My experience is consistent with others'; the detail will remain and the fatigue will subside with break in. I second Dgarretson's recommendation of the interconnect wire change; very inexpensive mod even with the priciest wire you could find.
Cathode, BTW a friend with VK-120s just replaced all 14 electrolytics in the input and driver stages of each monoblock with 110uf/700V film caps. This was the most significant improvement in sonic performance of many internal modifications, but required an expansion chassis. This mod is on my roadmap. PM me at if you want to see the photos.
Dgarretson, i`m some what surprised that an amplifier at this price level would use "14" inexpensive electrolytic capacitors.I can imagine the film caps would be much better sounding.