Luxman vs. Accuphase

I am considering purchasing a Luxman or Accuphase Solid State Integrated amp. Does anyone have experiences with both solid state integrateds? Basic differences sonically? Thanks!

When buying my E-550 integrated, I have compared quite a few Accuphase integrated, i.e. E-350, E-450, E-550 and E-408 (the predecessor of E-450), and my preference was E-550 > E-408 >= E-450 = E-350 (by ">" I meaning marginally better). Because of the large price difference between the E-550 and E-408 (8500 vs. 4000 euros) I wanted to buy the older E-408 model. In the end I bough the E-550 as the dealer offered me a very good price for it (the E-550 was about to be replaced by the E-560).

I have also listen the E-460 and E-560 models (the E-560 I have compared directly with a E-550) and IMO my initial assessment is still valid, i.e. the sound difference between previous and current generation models does not justify the huge price difference. Consequently, my advice is to look for dealers that still have models from the previous generation, e.g. E-350, E-450 and E-550. You should be able to get these for 30-40% less money (probably a bit more on the 2nd hand market).


Only the top of the line Accuphase integrated, i.e. E-530, E-550 and E-560, which all run in class A mode, double up their current output as the resistance halfs, i.e. 30 watts into 8 ohm, 60 into 4, and 120 into 2. All these three integrated are more powerful than the specs suggest e.g. my E-550 made speakers like Wilson Sophia and B&W 802D cry like babies). However, if one listens to large orchestras or big bands at loud levels than the models from the E-4XX series are more suited, viz. they are much more powerful even though they do not double up their current output as the resistance halfs.

Regarding fully balanced designs, the preamplifier and power amplfier stages of all Accuphase models I have mentioned so far have a balance design (what Accuphase called MCS or MCS+ circuits). However, it seems that only models built like "instrumentation amplifiers" (again Accuphase jargon) can be called fully balanced designs. However, this is can be deceiving. For example, the E-550 model which is not an instrumentation amplifier design is superior to models like E-250, E-350 and E-450 which are designed as instrumentation amplifiers.

Best wishes,
I don't like both sounds, but after listening many times both with different speakers I could choice the Accuphase without any doubt.
Side step a little:

Is Luxman available for purchase in the United States? I owned an R-106 and a R-115 receiver and they were absolutely the best sounding electronics I have ever owned for 2 channel music listening; much better than separates I have auditioned.
Yes, Luxman products are for sale in the US. The distributor for Luxman is On Higher Note

Their Mailing Address:

On a Higher Note, LLC
P.O. Box 698
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693

phone 1-949-488-3004
Routeman21: Have you made a decision on purchasing a Luxman or Accuphase integrated amp? Are you looking at Class A or Class A/B integrated amps? What models are you considering?

I contacted my local Accuphase retailer and he ONLY carries Accuphase Class A amps and does not carry the E360 or the E-250 (these are still expensive for me). The Accuphase Class A amps are $15,000+ and that is over my budget. The local Luxman retailer suggested I come in for a demo of the Luxman L-550ax using my Sonus Faber Auditor M speakers and I plan to this Friday. I am not convinced I want to sell my Ayre AX-7e amp but it should be interesting to listen to the Luxman unit. Since I need two balanced inputs, I will need to consider the Luxman L-590ax (or L-590a II) since it has two balanced inputs. They had a pre-owned Luxman L-590a II but it sold before I could get there. If I made a change, most likely, I would buy a pre-owned model at a lower price.

I am on the fence and cannot decide if the Luxman Class A amps would be a huge improvement over my Ayre amp. I want to audition an Accuphase so I need to look for another Accuphase retailer. Hopefully, the Luxman demo on Friday will help me decide.