Spectron vs any good tube amp.

It's easy for me to understand how a SS person would rave about a Spectron amp. The weight, heat factor, and power have made me curious, but I'm a tube person, and I want to know what "tube" people think about Spectron?
SET is definitely the way to go.It`s providing superb sound and certainly the most realism and natural sound I`ve heard so far from an amplifier. I hope Orpheus is able to experience one and form his own impresssion.

This is a "Tower of Babel" if there ever was one. "God confused their language, causing them to speak different languages so they would not understand each other".

The music we like, and every aspect of that music determines what gear we like best. It determines which cartridge, what speakers we like, and so on. We could sit in the same room, listening to the same music, emanating from the same gear; and hear two entirely different "songs". That is our "reality".

I learned quite some time ago how to get the most out of reviewers in regard to cartridges. When I picked the one who liked the same music as I did, I succeeded. When we speak in glowing terms of what we hear emanating from the gear we like best, and how good it is, and recommend it to other people; we are making far too many assumptions. For example: SS people speak in terms of "fast and definitive with bass slam". While tube people will speak in abstractions like "nuance", that aren't always easy to communicate; we live in two different worlds.

I hope these new elements I've injected into this conversation, will aid in our communications.
This last comment is wonderful, and explains why every thread should begin and end with "Let's agree to disagree." I had a friend whose ears stuck out from the side of his head like flaps. His audio system was so rolled off at the top as to beggar description. But if you cupped your hands behind your ears then listened to music, you got a taste of what he was hearing.

Our ears are different, our heads are different, the things that we need, sound vs music, are different. I just picked up some PrimaLuna ProLogue Seven monos. Love them. At the audition, the dealer, who was a recording engineer, preferred the sound of a solid-state amp, because it let him hear detail and engineer stuff. I preferred the PrimaLunas, because all I could think was that the singer has that "jump" factor.

"Music" people shouldn't feel superior to "sound" people, nor should the reverse be true. But like what you like, and love what you love. The trick is listening to, and respecting what someone else likes and loves. Through it all, it makes for much better (and much more helpful) debate.

In other words, we don't need to have someone like what we like. But we would like to have them understand why we like what we like. As long as that happens, it will all make sense.
PrimaLuna ProLogue Seven monos, with the right NOS tubes; are superior to the ARCS I've heard, which were my amps of choice before PrimaLuna.

300B SET's are amps I'm going to give a spin, not amps I've even heard before. "Theoretically", they could be better than "push pull". It's for sure they'll have to go a long way to beat PrimaLuna.
I'm amongst those that agree that for what ever reasons we have different priorities in the present imperfect world of audio reproduction, but I'm not inclined to accept that we have to reduce it to the "them & us" technological ideological camps.