Audio research vsi-60 power concerns

I'm curious to see if audio researches vsi-60 has enough power to meet my needs. The majority of my listening matieral is PInk Floyd ,Radiohead and some harder rock music. I don't need concert level volume I just need it to sound involving. My speakers are b&w n804s.

I agree with Brf. If you are a fan of Pink Floyd ,Radiohead and harder rock music there is a good bet you like to turn the wick up and for that more power would be recommended.
You make some good points,I certainly agree about transformer and PS quality.
It`s hard to answer posts like these when important information is omitted size,listening level range etc.
Best Regards
It is unlikely you will have good results driving 804's with a VSi60. You might want to consider an amp from Levinson or Pass in the 200 watt range.