How do you test different tubes?

I hear people recommending different brand of tubes for amps, preamps, etc. My question is how are people doing this? Are there dealers who loan tubes like other gear? I would hate to have to purchase different sets of tubes, try them, find the one I like best, and then trying to sell the set I don't like.
Tube rolling is fun. I have a couple of components which use 6 volt small signal tubes (6DJ8, 6922, 7308). The tricky part is getting good tubes. Unless you have access to a reliable tube tester you are at the mercy of the tube seller. A weak tube will still work for awhile, but you would never know it's weak without a tester. If you are serious about tubes, a tester is a must. You can pick an old surplus miltary tester (TV7, TV10, etc.) for a few hundred bucks. Electronic surplus stores are an excellent place to shop (or ebay) for a tester as well as surplus tubes.
Bryans I found asking for input on a specific tube and piece of gear helps but buying and trying is probally the true test;you just need to set your $$$ level for cost and keep it within sight.
As Ducks2007 points out it is fun and a learning experience as well.
Tubes can make a very major difference in the sound of your equipment. The price of the NOS power tubes, at least KT88, that have a limited and finite life seem too expensive to justify adopting as a regular in the lineup. There are many very highly performing reissues and new production tubes that are much more cost effective. Although we all want to fall in love with the romantic idea of a NOS tube, tucked away in some drawer for 50 years, it doesn't mean that it will be any good.
Truemaineac - in lieu of NOS, sometimes you can find very good used pulls from old equipment. I found a source where I located several pairs of bugle boy 6DJ8s for next to nothing. I just lucked into them, but keep that kind of source in mind. Swap meets, junk places, etc. They were pulls from some junker oscilloscopes.