Actually difference between class A and AB?

Class A amp sounds like holy grail of HIFI world.
But class A amp are much heavier, more expensive and rarer than class AB or class B design. Few can afford 100 LB weight of a 2-channel 100w/c amp.

Is there any actual difference between class A and class AB when listening to actual music? And what is that difference?
I, too, am interested in description of Class A v A/B. In particular, what is the nature of crossover distortion or reduction in sound quality as an amp moves from Class A to B? I feel like I can hear it sometimes.

Interesting question. Let's add to it whether amp designers use negative feedback (NF) in Class A or A/B? As Class A seems to be the holy grail of Hi Fi, NF seems to be its nuclear waste dump.
If you don't have a Class A amp you a not with us elitist snobs, that's the difference.