McIntosh and "hard" music?

I've been interested in Mac gear lately, and am considering picking up a piece - I'm MC150, MC202, MC252, MC275, or MA6900 at this point. I've only had the chance to hear the MC275 monos, MA6900, MA6300, and MC302 very briefly in showrooms. I found they have a really smooth, easy to listen to sound, and I can see the appeal, but maybe lacking too much in detail/focus/separation for me. I might be able to get past that, but every time I hear this gear or read a review the associated music is somewhat soft and romantic -- classical, jazz, opera, acoustic/vocal oriented stuff. I like a warm, emotive sound (Sonus Faber fan), but I also listen to a lot of rock, electronica, R&B, hip-hop (*gasp*).
I have the MC275 mk V and the best thing one can do is swap out the stock tubes as these are what are mainly contributing to the soft detail/focus/seperation you have heard.

With judicious tube rolling, this amp combined with my Nola Viper 1X's and a dual REL sub setup totally rock the house at any sane/clean level one would ever desire.
It's a matter of taste and synergy with other components, as it has been said. I feed my MC275 from a Lamm LL2 and drive B&W 804S with it, plus a Rel sub. I listen to all sorts of music, including Motorhead, Rob Zombie, AC/ get the picture, and also jazz, vocal, and classical. I enjoy it all round. Should I drive my speakers with a Krell amp, my system would likely have more slam. Yet at the time I was deciding I preferred the 275 vs others, including the 252. Changing the tubes made a huge difference, as has been said. I don't know if I would call it polite...there are some CDs I cannot listen to because they are so poorly recorded.

My two cents!
MC275 MKV has plenty of guts and drive, especially for an amp rated @ 75wpc. Upgrading the driver and signal tubes to quality NOS is worthwhile.