Rogue Audio M 180 fuse upgrade

Hi, I am thinking of upgrading my power fuses to fururtech.
right now they are using .5 amp buss fuses, what would happen if I increased the fuse amp rating ? to 1 amp or 5 amp? would this allow more current delivery from my amps? could it damage them? .5 amp seems really small. Thanks, chris
This needs to be said in a loud voice as it could be dangerous.
By all means, you can replace your fuse with a better made one but it has to be of the same value and rating.
Hi, Furutech fuses make a great upgrade however you do need to use the same rating / type (eg slow or fast blow, probably the former) as the factory recommend as they're there to protect. I've had two Rogue amps a while back and they're great plus excellent support from the two Marks. In my 88 magnum, siemens e80cc were much better than any of the 12au7 variants I tried though you should check with the factory whether the 180 circuit can support them also.

Good luck!
Never change the value of a fuse from the recommended value. Something small may short and blow the proper fuse. That can turn into a small repair. If that small part shorts and can't blow the fuse, something bigger may give and cost a lot more. Worst case, fire. A lot of people burned down homes and buildings doing this. Sadly people died to. At least homes have circuit breakers in the past half a century or so. The same happened with them, that is, people used oversize fuses in place of the correct ones. Sometimes they were bypassed. There were so many fuses used in the making of your recorded music it may seem unreal. They do very little, if any to degrade the sound. Some of the best recordings out there still had standard fuses everywhere in their making. If you can't find the fuse you need, don't worry about it. Just enjoy the music safely. Changing them doesn't give you the same difference like changing to better coupling capacitors, different tubes, etc. Wiki link for fuses. []