Melos SHA-gold photentiometer replacement DIY

Want to replace the Photeniometer with the right one of these
who can help me? Which one do I need to buy?
Thanks for any help
Have you talked to Chris Johnson at
try and he will get back to you.
If anyone would know, he would.
The volume pot in that Melos SHA may be special ... it is light coupled or a LDR ... notice the "phot" in Photeniometer meaning light

Some feel that these light coupled volume controls are better sounding than resister based controls and most likely why Melos chose to use them

You may want to do some homework about the Melos SHA before swapping for a basic Volume control

If you are trying to upgrade with ....
.."right one of these"..
... you may end up taking a step backwards

If you are having a problem with the volume control ... you may want to Google for help
I've read page after page about the SHA-gold the thought was the light controlled volume was the best. But there have been many issues that have come up with many of the units. When Melos went under and MAR (melos audio restoration) opened up (started by one of the melos guys) all the work they did lead them to replacing the volume control with stepped units. The places were spec diagrams were kept on the net have dried up as ha MAR. I'm not planning on doing any work until I know I can get it right. I have had some issues with the pho-tometer here and there, if there's away to swap that out I;d like to do it, other mods will happen down the road when time and cash flow allow me to figure it all out and do it.
You might want to consider replacing that photentiometer with a better one, if it's possible. Go over to the DIYAudio forum and do a search on "lightspeed attenuator". Besides being a stand alone attenuator with single input/output. Some DIYers have used this type of LDR attenuator in place of the inferior one that was in their preamp. If anything I'm sure George Stantschleff the Lightspeed designer will be able to verify if the swap is possible and maybe give you some pointers on how it can be accomplished.