Best Integrated amp for Wilson Audio Sasha

Thinking of the Gryphon Diablo, Acuphase E560, Passlab Nt-150 or Dartzeel 8550 for the Sasha. Any recommendation from those using this speaker?
I used my Musical Fidelity M3 NuVista on my friends Sasha and it did a very good job.
I owned WATT/Puppy and now Sasha. You will be in big disanvantage if you will not use highly powerful amplifier. You will have no idea what your speakers are capable of, what magic they can bring to you.
For example, if you want Pass Lab amplification - then certianly not A/B class 150 wpc! Get XA200.5 etc

You like tubes (who isn;t?) - get tube input stage !!!

My "integarted" consists of two fully upgarded Spectron monoblocks and Joule-Electra (first LA-300ME and now heavenly LA-450ME) line stage and combination of all is extraordinary. I never heard such sound in any system, mine or not.... You don;t have to have exactly the same amplification (it can be had for about $20k not a small change, I admit)but Sasha demands $$$ investment into appropriate components

Good Luck !

I think the Diablo would be great. Mike was right about wanting some power, even if you listen at moderate levels.