Integrated for Gallo 3.1

I am currently powering my Gallos with a Mcintosh 6450. My source is a macbook pro streaming apple lossless files through an airport express and into a Bryston BDA-1. I have been told the Mac is the weak link in the chain and have always considered upgrading it at some point, even though I do love the blue meters. It's only 50w into 8 ohms and I'd like a little more headroom.

Looking to invest 2-3K more, assuming a sell the Mac so maybe 4K or less used. Was thinking about a Levinson 383 or Classe CAP-2100. Any thoughts or other suggestions? thanks
My speaker cables are transparent music wave.

I listen to all kinds of music, everything really. Recently, a lot of Radiohead, Arcade Fire, M. Ward, Talking Heads, Van Morisson, Fleetwood Mac.. although, when listening through this system I tend to stay away from boring recordings, even if I like the music.
Those bass drivers are 4 ohms, and as such like a nice high current SS amp. I'd look into something with 150WPC or more that doubles into 4 ohms.

If I were to upgrade to a more powerful Mac like the 6600 with 200wpc, would the fact that it has an autoformer making it 200 wpc into 2/4/8 ohms make a negative impact, given what you are saying?