Bryston BP6 or ?

I am in search of remote controlled preamplifier (no need balanced in/out)around 2000 USD I am using Placette RVC and though I prefer its uncolored natural sound to many expensive preamps I miss some dynamic presantation some active preamps supply (mostly for classical music)I was considering Doge8 tube preamplifier to buy and listened it in my friend system it is not a bad performer but I dislike to hear too much hiss comes from drivers (not isolated properly to obtain black backround )and I do not want to have tube hassle if I could find SS alternative
I would like to hear your oponions about Bryston BP6 preamplifier how neutral sound it has and any other recommendation you have

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I haven't heard the BP26 although I'm told the basic circuitry between it and the BP6 is very similar so I'd expect them to sound more alike than different. Sorry I can't be more help there.