Spectral 30SS preamp

Just upgraded to the 30SS from the 30SL. Not sure I like what I am hearing. Somewhat "choked" in comparison to the SL. Got the pitch from the dealer about "getting use to it" but it isn't working for me. Anyone else ??
Lawrence, for heavens sake get rid of the Z cord lls and put on at least the Oracle AC3. It will "blow your mind"; the 2's are choking your beautiful gear to death. Happy listening.
Agree with Psacanli: total waste of hardware if you do not upgrade power cord! I even tend to think power cords are more important than interlinks or speaker cables. Enjoy, Wim
I auditioned the Spectral DMC15 SS and heard the same "choked" presentation. Does this improve with time? If so how much time? I had the unit powered on for 4 days and could not get the "choked" presentation to change.
