Krell amp with Zu Essence speaker

I currently have Krell Evolution 400 monoblocks. I have ordered Zu Essence speakers. Will these two work together? I see most reviewers of the Zu use low power tube amps. Will this amp hurt the Zu?
I don't think there is anything you can do to make a Zu sound....ummm... different.
I run them with a Moon i-3 integrated and they are just great. I will purchase a good SET when the piggy bank is full and improve on the Moon CD-1's DAC with either an Eastern Electric DAC+ or an AudioNote DAC. Moon is fab with the Essence speakers. I understand the Nelson Pass J2 is as well if you want to go with solid state. The speaker can harmonize well with both types of amplification.
I was thinking of trying the Essence. What is your strength vs weakness opinion on them?
I currently have Focal 918s. Just curious how they may compare?
Probably overkill but definitely should work.

I'd be interested in how the results sound compared to the kinds of tube amps often used with those and other high eff. speakers.

Donzi2000 I'm looking for those wood trims for my XPA-1 amps, please help me, let me know where I can get them.
